Some businesses do allow their employees – or certain employees – to carry onsite. This course is designed so that all employees who carry have the same comprehensive education in concealed carry practices and Florida law. No business wants to have one armed employee who took a 45-minute class and shot one round into a bullet trap, while another spent 5 hours in class and qualified with 50 rounds.
This class makes certain everyone has the same knowledge base and expectations. The class is based on the USCCA’s comprehensive Concealed Carry and Home Defense Course and can be tailored to include your company’s specific requirements and restrictions.
The class starts with the basics of handgun mechanics and safe handling and includes personal defense.
To keep people safe if they choose to own a firearm – and to protect those who do not own firearms from someone carelessly handling one.
This course is designed as a benefit businesses can offer their employees in order to keep them – and others - safe if they are permitted to carry at work
The course includes qualification on a Florida shooting range following classroom time. Once students qualify, they will be issued a certificate that can be utilized to secure a Concealed Carry license in the state of Florida. Non-qualifying students will be given remedial options that may allow them to qualify. Businesses will be notified of all students’ pass-fail status.
The class ranges from 5-7 hours, depending on number of students, additional content requested by the business, etc. Qualification time on the range may be scheduled for a separate day if desired. Estimated range time (depending on the number of students) is around 1 hour.
The class is taught by a USCCA Training Counselor. Class outline follows the contents below:
If we are holding the class on-site, we need at least 7 participants. Otherwise, we can discuss enrolling employees into an open enrollment session when one is available.
Please contact Tara Dixon Engel at 407-897-4409 or by email at for specific details.