Florida Safety Council
Florida Safety Council is a division of United Safety Council worldwide
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OSHA Outreach Courses

Outreach Training Program Overview. The OSHA Outreach Training Program teaches workers about their rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint as well as how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job related hazards. OSHA authorizes safety and health professionals who complete an outreach trainer course to conduct occupational safety and health classes for workers. After training is completed, trainers document their training to their Authorizing Training Organization (see section IV.A), and receive student course completion cards to distribute to the workers they have trained. OSHA has promoted workplace safety and health by authorizing trainers since 1971. The Outreach Training Program is voluntary. It does not meet the training requirements contained in any OSHA standard. However, some states and local jurisdictions have enacted laws mandating outreach training. Some employers, unions, and various other jurisdictions also require workers to have this training to work on job sites and to fulfill their own safety training goals.

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